
Half-Life of QuaziPhoto

I just dusted my hands off from finishing my most recent commission, and I'm feeling pretty good about it! My ex-boss and friend asked me to paint the name of his blog on his coocase (scooter trunk, essentially) - this is in preparation for an epic cross-country scooter trip he is planning, so of course I was happy to oblige in the name of adventure (and hand-lettering practice~)




Hand-lettering and calligraphy are like candy to me - fun, sweet, pretty things that I love to indulge in.  A friend of a friend recently commissioned me to write a poem in calligraphy for her son's graduation present.   

Since I wasn't sure exactly what she wanted, and I was feeling a little rusty, I did a couple of warm-ups before hitting the final version.

grandfather william calligraphy3.jpg