HerrSuite is 1 year old!
I missed the actual anniversary of getting my business license (August 9th), so I landed on the next best thing, which is my own birthday hurr hurr. I can't freakin believe it's been a whole year! If you'd like to celebrate with me, you have ample opportunity to do so because HerrSuite's going to be taking part in a whole bundle of upcoming events. I'll make a separate post about those soon, so keep an eye out.
Thank you thank you thank you. Family: thank you thank you thank you!!!! Friends: thank youuuuu <3 Also many of you friends and acquaintances that I've run into recently have made of point of saying that they read this blog (or "creep all over your stuff online" - just as good), which is really really awesome to hear.
- Counting only the ones painted post-business license, I've painted 14 murals as HerrSuite, and I think I had a different process for every single one.
- After a whole year, I feel way less like a naive 1-toothed baby when people ask me what I do and I say 'muralist'. (I have so many teeth now!) (Teeth are confidence, is the metaphor I did there.)
- I've gone through all 1,000 business cards that I ordered at the start of this. (I bet I can halve the time that took this year ;)
- If you were around me when I was trying to figure out the perfect name for my little baby business 1 year ago, you know what heartache has gone into the decision to keep such a wonky name, and I'm proud to announce I'm not sick of it at all :) I also think I've finally gotten comfortable referring to my business and job by actually saying "HerrSuite." I can't wait until I'm so famous that everyone knows how to pronounce it already. (Maybe next year I'll make a tshirt with all the pun iterations of HerrSuite combined into one?)
- Squarespace (my website host) doesn't show how many hits the site has gotten to date, but as I'm looking at all these numbers I think that www.herrsuite.com has gotten 6,815 page views since last September (!?) which sounds like a helluva lot to me. Woo!
- I have fallen off of a ladder or scaffolding ZERO times.
Here's a collage of all of the murals I've worked on in the past year:
Finally, sometime soon here I will be producing a 2015 wall calendar in honor of a whole year of professional mural painting! If you follow my online variety show of social media, you may remember the prototype that lives on my own wall: http://www.herrsuite.com/blog/calendar
I am in the process of painting the new calendar right now, and I'm still deciding a bunch of stuff: will it hang so you can scroll it up as the days go by, or be a big temporary wallpaper sticker so that it's maximum-murally (and easy to have made)? Will it still be greeny-blue with red and purple lettering? Most importantly, which holidays will I include???
Such space! Such red marks! Oh my - !
For anyone that hates the end-of-the-month jump on a regular calendar, this is for you! A luxurious hilltop view of the whole year all at once.
If you use digital calendars, but reeeeally like the satisfaction of crossing days off in a big red marker, I'll be including a big red marker with the calendar!
There will be plenty of space for writing your many daily activities on each day!
And for all of you that live in rented or temporary spaces and wish you could have a HerrSuite mural, this is pretty close!
These calendars will be ready to order sometime in the next few weeks, and I think I'll be able to take orders on this site as well as sell them at some of the events I mentioned above. If you think you might perchance happen to need a gift for someone in the next three months for some reason, get excited! If you're the type that is really into pens and Ticonderogas and planning and calendars, get really excited!