Patriot’s Colony
These murals were both gifts-slash-commissions for my Nana. She and Pop-pop moved into Patriot's Colony, a retirement community, and faced the challenge of making the new house really feel like home. These murals have really helped them lay claim to the place.
Sorry, no 'before' pictures for these.
crisp, clean, inviting
Hallway Garden
My mom and I dynamic duo-d this one and painted the whole thing together (she let me say I was in charge :) Whenever we go to visit, we'll add a bird or two to the scene. Also: My mom paints twice as fast as I do, it's ridiculous.
(see if you can name all of the laws of physics we wantonly blasphemed against!)
Size: 12' long x 10' high
NANA: Emily, would you like to paint a mural in my bathroom?
ME: Sure, what were you thinking of?
NANA: Oh, maybe some flowers. Or fish!
Size: 10' x 6'
All the other little old ladies are very jealous.