The GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! Mural Project project spanned 2017-2018, and resulted in 16 murals that claim public visual space for inclusive, realistic, positive representation of women.
Female bodies in both ads AND art are oversimplified into something that's more object than human. This series normalizes and celebrates images of women in a broad spectrum of bodies and lifestyles. I also want to reduce the general female shame in simply taking up space.
Click here to learn more about the first Girls! Girls! Girls! mural, painted on a Richmond garage in February 2017.
Richmond Grid Magazine: Girls! Girls! Girls! Tour Rolls On
Coffee With Strangers Podcast: Emily Herr "Richmond Is a Great Place to Experiment"
Richmond Magazine (cover): RVA's Daring Women
Richmond Times Dispatch: Richmond muralist creating better representation of women one wall at a time
RVA Mag: Richmond Artist Depicts the 'Everyday Woman' with East Coast Mural Tour
Catalyst: Cool Stuff You Should Know About // Girls! Girls! Girls!: A Traveling Mural Project
Seven Days: Battery Street Jeans Brings 'Girls! Girls! Girls! to Town
Next Tuesday Podcast: 017: "This is to be a POSITIVE FORCE in the world"
Vermont Public Radio: 'Girls, Girls, Girls': Artist Subverts Sexism By Celebrating Local Women
Burlington Free Press: Girls Girls Girls Mural in Burlington
RVA Mag: Best of Arts & Culture 2017
Women Empowering Women: Girls, Girls, Girls
Completed Murals
All artwork from this project is collected on the Girls! Girls! Girls! Tour instagram account. The fodder behind the mural designs was a collection of oodles and scores of public photo submissions of poeple’s loved ones. I promised and delivered an original drawing from each photograph. If you’d like a memento of this endeavor, you can buy a print ($40) or a hi-res digital file ($15) of any drawing! Click 'Support the Project' above!
2017 Mural Tour - completed!
Richmond, Va ---> Burlington, Vt
In Richmond, we are painting a series of mini-murals of individual ladies all around town, to build momentum for taking this show on the road!
Leaving July 15th, we'll set out in the HerrSuite mobile studio to drive up the east coast, painting as many more walls as we can along the way.
Know a wall between VA and VT that needs a G!G!G! mural? Get in touch!
In Burlington, we will paint a second iteration of the first G!G!G! mural on Battery Street Jeans, a thrift shop catering to diverse body shapes and genders. This mural will featuring many women all together, all people who live in the area.
About the Artist
My name is Emily Herr, and I’m a muralist based in Richmond, VA. I work out of a step van that I’ve converted into a one-of-a-kind Mobile Mural Studio. This July, I’m going to embark with my friend and assistant Sarah Apple in this rolling studio on an epic Girls!Girls!Girls!-themed mural painting tour up the east coast, from Virginia to Vermont.
My goal is to create a public mural series that visually celebrates women as complex human beings, in contrast to the ubiquitous public imagery that flattens us into simple objects.
The spark for this trip is my awe of the Women’s March and my frustration with poor representation of women in media, combined with a love of adventure and travel.
Cut Cut uses commercial printmaking processes to create engaging, personal, and site -specific products and displays.
They provided the wonderful shirts and stickers for the tour - Thank you!